Saturday, June 23, 2007

chuckie's one-legged friend

schmidty's scary, evil doll has recently come to our apartment. whitney said it best, "it's the doll with the spider legs on in toy story." seems about right. its hair is matted. it's missing a leg. and when i tried to close its eyes, they stayed open. i lock my door, but i'm sure it knows how to get in. absolutely terrifying.

additionally, i recently uploaded my very first video on youtube. it's jennifer and alexis playing at la hacienda. i'm really surprised on how well my camera worked.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

air hobos

so i know a lot about hobos, thanks to john hodgman. i even know exactly what i'm going to name my kid, thanks to john hodgman. unfortunately, i don't know why they insist on breaking all of our stuff where i work. or going through our bags of trash on trash day. or yelling things at us. either way, i was on the phone with my boss (she's in montreal), and there was some guy who came in to our office and started talking and talking and talking. it was really pissing me off because i was on the phone with my boss and i couldn't hear a freaking word she was saying...nor could i hear a freaking word he was saying. so i told my boss i had to go. no, no. she wanted me to ask everyone if they had anything they wanted to tell her. so i asked. response from amanda and meagan: no. response from guy: your air conditioner is broken. i told her no one had anything to say, thinking that he was sweating profusely because he was talking loudly, and my preacher used to do that (still does, but i don't go there anymore). he would be drenched in sweat by the end of the sermon, while my best friend would sit beside me and whisper "i wonder if he knows gluttony is a sin?" either way, i disconnected the call with raeanne and went to my office. then i realized that everyone had gone to the back of the building. i went back there, and holy crap. this is what i discovered:

in case you can't tell, they broke the wires and the lock. whoever did this knew what they were doing. fortunately, it's the air conditioning unit the back, where we don't work. unfortunately, however, it's where raeanne's negatives are. we haven't told her yet. i pick her up from the airport today. she's going to be pissed.

i'm sure i shouldn't blame it on the hobos, but it's someone who decided it would be a good idea to steal the copper out of the air conditioning unit and sell it. someone who probably doesn't have a lot of money or wants to make a quick buck.

by the way, did you know michael jordan recoops 70% of the profits from his air jordans?? and people wonder why there are hobos in the first place, right? why does paris hilton have money and kevin, the diabetic that raeanne "adopted" who lives in a park has nothing but a lot of puppies and no food? why is this acceptable?

Monday, June 11, 2007

worky mcworkerson

okay. so this isn't the most interesting post, but since i know you've all been DYING to see where i work (you all of course being absolutely no one because i'm pretty sure that's how many people look at this), i've decided to share the craziness with you.

my office. it's so...officious. i did NOT make that mess. i just keep pretending like i can actually clean it.

the studio. raeanne is actually a famous photographer, but it's so messy i'm not sure if she even wants people to come to her studio. some pictures of her pictures are below...

the "kitchen." we hang out by the water cooler on break. but there is no water cooler, so that's a lie.

here are some of her pictures. guess who the stars are. if you guess right...i'll give you a prize (which just means i'll say, "good job!" and possibly touch your butt a little.)

i took a picture of the one to the left for brett and jason jones.

check out that ass!