Saturday, September 8, 2007

life is a highway

i really don't like that song, but it's in my head. i don't know why, but it concerns me.

i'm digressing. the real point of this blog is not tom cochrane's hit. the point is my new job.

i love it. being someone's assistant is exhilarating, believe it or not. i like calling people and organizing things and doing what i should do. i'm a peculiar lady. at first, i was freaking out, because i kept feeling stupid. but then, it's like it all clicked, and now i'm good at what i do. already. of course, there is tons of room for improvement. and it will come.

working in new york is interesting, though. you order almost everything online and you use messenger services. in tennessee you would just drive. additionally, working for someone who has more money than i will ever see in my entire life is...i'm not even sure if there is an adjective to describe it. it's absolutely brilliant. basically, i never have to worry that when she asks me to do something, i'll spend too much money on her card. of course, i don't go for the most expensive things, but the sky is the limit for the most part. it's just crazy. (both of those adjectives i will deem suitable until further notice)

meanwhile, i'm still doing that comedy jazz. and by that, i've decided that i am a straight up improv groupie. it's not that i'm doing all the dudes, it's more that i'm just always around but not acting, and always chatting up people and not acting, etc. i like everyone i've met, and those that i don't like...i don't talk to. i have nothing to lose so it does matter what i do or say.

last night crystal and i went to see demetri martin tape his new show for comedy central. after waiting three hours on the street, we finally got to go in at 10:30...and we left around 1. all i have to say is, wow. demetri was nice to everyone, but he wouldn't shut the fuck up in between takes. i mean, i appreciate him trying to be all "sweet" and everything, it's just - i was tired, sweaty, and disgusting. i wanted to go home, take a shower, and sleep (which would solve all of those problems). and i was in a terrible mood from waiting so long. the show was/is going to be hilarious. just don't stand on a street for three hours in between four girls who kept calling people "tragically hip" and talking about going to shows to see shitty bands before you watch it.

let me describe these girls for a moment. they were obviously in high school, first of all. the girls in front kept talking about god-knows-what and saying "like" a million freaking times. the two girls behind had pink hair and other had i-don't-know hair. and huge jugs. i thought they were okay, but they most certainly thought they were awesome in their low cut shirts and leggings. was i jealous? not at all. i just felt like i was doing a time warp, and i considering i hate anything to do with high school, i was not fond of heading down that road. i did join their mtv conversation, but i immediately regretted it and stepped away. crystal joined me, thank god.

okay, i have completely digressed. no turning back. for those that care, i'm coming home the last weekend of september. can we make a date please? i love you all. xo

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